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Chattanooga weekend edition - PDF file
Hoffmann and B-Goes are one of the most talented and Interesting bands
the Southeast currently has to offer.
"Living In The Big Wide Worldą flows from style to style; the band
dives into soul, Southern rock, blues and pop, while keeping the New
Orleans second-line beat."
--Five Star CD review, Facts 2004
can't say enough good things about this album. Living in the Big Wide
World is one of those rare albums where everything fits together into
an eccentric (but cool) puzzle. Whether it's the wonderfully subtle
instrumentation of the B-Goes, the multi-layered feel, Andi's original
voice, little compositional details or the well-written lyrics, you've
got a magnificent collection of songs with superb performances.
Rambles C. Nathan
Coyle 6 April 2003
The songs, one and all, are beautiful. Beautiful in the way
that New Orleans is beautiful: tarnished, mildewed, waterlogged, stained
by wine, loneliness and lust.
OFF BEAT, New Orleans(LA)
Band brillierte mit einer traumwandlerischen Kompaktheit und einem fluss,
wie man ihn beispielsweise von John Hiatt und Sonny Landreth her kennt."
WINTERTHURER LANDBOTE, Winterthur (Switzerland)
"Basil For Nino" hints at what the Cowboy Junkies might
sound like with a male lead singer. The album quivers with a Daniel
Lanois-like ambiance.
You walk away feeling your life has been enriched spiritually
and emotionally
MUSIKMAN, internet mag
An artist, who has proven that he can not only combine cultural
influences, but even transcend them.
METROPULSE, Knoxville (TN)
Just for fun, I typed in the name of my favorite obscure musician
(Daniel Lanois) to see who dared to claim that their music sounded like
his. Surprise, five or six did. Most of them were just god-awful, but
Andi Hoffmann and the B-Goes made up for all of them.
John Scalzi, MEDIA ONE
Its not an exageration to say that 937 Dante Street
is the kind of record that folk rock legend Robbie Robertson tried to
make a couple of years ago with Storyville. This stuff has
got soul - not to mention sterling production and classy deluxe package
R.C. Gambit, New Orleans 1996
There is something sweet about New Orleans singer/songwriter
Andi Hoffman's new CD. It's sweet in the way that your best girl or
guy might serenade you before planting a light, wet one on your lips,
or the way a Hansen's Sno-Ball glides down your throat.
Gambit 2003
Andi Hoffmann heeft wederom voor een fraai muzikaal werkstukje gezorgd
waarmee hij een stad als New Orleans, die bekend staat voor haar muzikale
diversiteit, alle eer aandoet. De eerste exemplaren worden geleverd
in een fraai houten doosje
snel zijn is de boodschap.
roots town(Ben Vanhoegaerden)